
Health Department

Coshocton County Health Department
Ph. (740) 622-1426
Email: coshcohealth@coshoctoncounty.net



Merger of City and County Health Departments Accomplished

Today, Mayor Mark Mills, District Advisory Council Chair and County Commissioner Dane Shryock, and County Health Commissioner Steve Lonsinger signed an agreement merging the City and County Health Departments effective January 1, 2023.  The Agreement comes after years of preliminary discussions were jump started several months ago by Mayor Mills and Dr. Jeff Poland, a board member of the County Health Department.

Public health services will now be provided at a lower cost to city residents through a more streamlined health department.  The City expects savings to the general fund of as much as $250,000 annually, and up to $2 million dollars over the next 10 years.

Consolidating local health departments has long been encouraged by the Ohio Department of Health but only a few places have been able to come to agreements so far.

Mayor Mills:  “Part of being a good caretaker of taxpayer money is to find those opportunities to do more for less.  We accomplished that here for the benefit of future generations to come.”

As required by Ohio law, the agreement was also approved by City Council and the District Advisory Council.  Both the City and County Health Boards also passed resolutions in support of the agreement.

Steve Lonsinger, the current Health Commissioner for the County Health Department, will continue his leadership role for the combined department.  Two current City Health Department employees will be brought over immediately and the other 2 are being interviewed for positions.

Mayor Mills: “Reaching this agreement with the County is just the most recent accomplishment of taking action on something that has been discussed for years but needed initiative to see to completion. To be able to save money and continue to provide excellent services is the goal we achieved.”